The Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSI) annual Awards 
The SSI will award three prizes for outstanding scientific achievements in basic as

well as in clinical research in infectious diseases, respectively. The first prize will be awarded with CHF 8’000.-, the second prize with 5’000.- and the third prize with  2’000.- in each category.

Eligibility: Authors of an outstanding scientific publication in basic or clinical research in infectious diseases. A significant part of the work must have been performed in Switzerland. The paper (or group of related papers) must have been either published or accepted for publication by an internationally renowned peer-reviewed journal between July 1st ot the previous and June 30th of the present year.

Conditions: Applications must be accompanied by a cover letter including the name and e-mail address of the applicant who will present the work, the prize category applied for and a statement that all authors agree with the application. If the paper is accepted but not yet published please attach the letter of acceptance. The applicant must be an active member of the SSI. A prize committee designated by the committee of the SSI performs the evaluation. Decisions made by the committee are definitive and not subject to appeals. The award is intended to support a research project of the awardee. The awards will be given to the winners in person at the annual conference of the SSI that will be held annualy in August/September. The awards will be published on the websites of the SSI. 

Deadline for applications:  July 1st 

Please submit the documents by e-mail to the president of the prize committee: Prof Dr. med. Roberto Speck, Klinik für Infektionskrankheiten und Spitalhygiene, Universitätsspital Zürich, E-Mail:




A collection of teaching materials on AIDS : Bernard Hirschel, former chief of HIV/AIDS in Geneva, has put his collection on AIDS to be use for education, teaching and self-evaluation. 




Antrag für Credits / Demande de crédits 


[D] Richtlinien für die formelle Unterstützung von Fortbildungen durch die SGInf

[D] Checkliste betreffend Vergabe von Credits an Fortbildungsverantstaltungen

[F] Directives pour le soutien des sessions de formation continue en infectiologie par la SSI

[F] Checklist concernant l'attribution de crédits pour des Sessions de formation continue